I am SO excited to be participating in the Ministry of Motherhood Book Club along with Jolanthe from No Ordinary Moments and so many of you out there!


If you’ve missed out on the discussions for this week make sure to hop over and visit Jolanthe’s Blog Frog discussions!

  • S.O.A.P Week 3
  • Book Discussion for Week 3

My thoughts for this week:

One of the areas that stuck out most to me was just how little grace I’m actually allowing myself to give to my children. I tend to think that if I’m not on my kids every little action that somehow they’ll take the latitude and run wild with it. Probably because I’ve seen this happen. But then I’m reminded that Jesus was “patient, encouraging, loving, and forgiving” with his disciples. He didn’t yell and criticize, so why am I taking that route?

The goal isn’t to force my kids to comply, but to actually reach their hearts. To create an ongoing intimate relationship with them. One thing that Sally pointed out that really got me…my willingness to spend time with them.

I’m always planning, and doing, and going, and on and on. How often do I ignore the pleas from my children to “come look at something”, to give some snuggles, to read for fun, or just spend time. Jesus gave the gift of himself, as a mother I am called to do the same.

“Each of us is designed by God to whisper His words to the hearts of our children so they will feel the call of God in their own lives to become “fishers of men”.”

Ugh…I’m so not good at this right now. My new plan is to slow down, take time to just hang out with my children. To listen to them, to literally show them His love through my actions.

Thankfully right after this conviction, Sally pointed out that it’s not all up to me! Praise God!

“The Author of grace will Himself draw my children to Him…as I rest in His ability to work through the life of my family. Perfection is not a standard He requires of me as a mother, for His grace extends to me as well as to my children.”

What matters most to my children is my time. I simply need to be present with them. Be willing to serve them, and as Sally so eloquently states “to voluntarily give up my rights and my time to meet their felt needs – just as Jesus was willing to give for His disciples.”

Sally ended off the reading reminding us that instead of harshly demanding obedience from our children using orders and threats, we can choose to tie the chords of their hearts with ours through a loving and serving relationship. We will see our influence increase as we disciple them through an ongoing relationship based on love. This gives a whole new definition of grace to me!

Lord, I pray that You will help me slow down and take time to just be with my children. To remember to cultivate a close loving relationship with them that will point their little hearts to You. Give me the strength and grace to listen to their hearts, to comfort them when hurt, and to make myself available to their needs. Help remind me that they want my attention, and that I am called to give myself to them just as You give yourself to us. Thank You for always making time for me! Amen.

If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, make sure to click here:

The Ministry of Motherhood



  1. Thank you for sharing this! I really needed to hear this! I actually bought the book and wanted to participate but felt like I was too late. It's on my night stand and I am headed off to read it and gain some nuggets. I really, really needed to read this post! Maybe it was just for me;0)Annie

  2. Thank you so much for this post. I to struggle with this and it is so nice to know I am not the only one! These days are so fleeting and thank you for the reminder that they really just want us to be present and loving!

    Staci Lynch
  3. Thank you so much for this reminder. I read this book a couple of years ago and have become slack lately. I too have gotten caught up in my to-do lists. I guess it's good I decided last night to drop the list and do a favorite thing with the kids–go to garage sales. Thanks again for all you share, it really helps.Tracie

  4. I am here via Jolanthe's link up. I have the same problems that you mentioned about not spending time just "being" with my kids. I have been doing better since reading this week's passage. Thank you for offering your insight!

  5. I just found your blog and feel like so much of what you are saying or doing resonates with me. I will be checking in frequently. Thanks for the reminder to BE PRESENT and AVAILABLE to my kids. I am often convicted about this need and how much I am not doing that, but seem to slip right back into my old ways. Every so often I challenge myself to "say yes" that day, to the things the kids are asking that I often just say no to, I try to say yes that day to as much as I CAN, not want to. Anyways, thanks again SO MUCH for your ministry and encouragement and inspiration! It will be used greatly in my parenting and homeschooling journey.

    Sarah Satterblom
  6. Thanks for posting this. I will have to get the book. Just had our third baby, he is 13 days old. We spent his first week in the NICU and this has been our first week home. I am a bit tired to say the least, and I know I need to be offering my older two a lot more GRACE than what I have been. Thanks for the reminder.Blessings!

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