Okay, since I’ve posted on all of my kid’s birthdays, I felt like I should post on my own. Now, I’m definitely not telling you all which birthday it is, but let’s just say it’s a big one and I’m trying to avoid it. ‘Nuff said.

But, in attempt to be a good sport, I thought I’d share some things about myself that you might not know, so here goes:

1. I’d give up chocolate, but I’m no quitter!

2. I never thought I’d homeschool…as a matter of fact, I think the words “I’d NEVER homeschool” actually came out of my mouth at one point.

3. I swore I’d never drive a mini-van (Ahem, did any of you participate in last year’s Mini-Van Express with us?)

4. I swore I’d never marry anyone younger than me or from my hometown. (Let me introduce my wonderful husband, who happens to be 5 yrs younger than me and, yep, you guessed it from my hometown! We actually went to the same high school, but due to the age difference we never met. And don’t think I can’t hear you laughing because I can.)


5. I’m deathly afraid of rattlesnakes (and we’ve killed 5 since living here! I now have what we lovingly refer to as “Mom’s snake shovel” and all my kids have “snake boots” to wear outside!)

6. I’m Italian! (I know, the blonde hair throws everyone)

7. Okay fine, I’m not really blonde ;o) See, it all makes sense now!

8. I swore I’d never wear bell-bottoms…let’s just say my Dad laughed hysterically the day I walked in with “boot cut” jeans. Clearly they’re a totally different style!

9. I told my grandpa that I would never get married or have kids. (I think my blog and the 4 kids at the top kind of answers what happened with that plan.)


And #10: Prior to last year, I tried starting a blog a few times but could never keep up with it! So if you’ve learned nothing from me yet, I say this:

Never say Never!

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.



  1. Have a wonderful birthday! I am with you on Never say Never! I remarried years after my 1st marriage, also married a man (10 yrs my younger), have 3 awesome kids with him, homeschool and blog…all these were NEVERS in my book too! Rock on momma!

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