“If they can keep eternity before their eyes, they will be able to live in hope no matter what happens to them in this life.”– Sally Clarkson


  • Good Morning Girls Downloads for Week 7 (Make sure to head over to see Sally’s video fro this week too!)
  • S.O.A.P Week 7
  • Book Discussion for Week 7

My thoughts for this week:

“If we teach our children through our actions or instruction, even subtly, that being successful in this world is somehow a measure of their importance and success, then we will miss the point of all the Lord’s teaching.” ~ Sally Clarkson

We encourage our kids to do well at whatever they take on, and we require that if they choose something like a sport, they finish it out for that session at least. We don’t let them quit mid-way. We cheer for them, encourage them, and praise them for doing well.

On the other hand, we realize that they’re still young. They’re not Olympic athletes.  And honestly I haven’t pushed any of them to practice more than they want at this point. They go to their lessons and that’s enough for now.

I don’t think we spend too much time focusing on worldly success, but on the flip side, I don’t do a great job at showing them God in the everyday circumstances that surround our lives and thus keep their focus on eternity.

“The best way we can give the critical gift of faith to our children…is to exercise faith in our own lives.” ~ Sally Clarkson

We’ve had our share of difficulties, but up until now haven’t shared much of them with our children. I love the thought of praying for our issues as a family and thus showing our children when God comes through and resolves them.  When they see us handling trials in this manner, it’s a great model for teaching children how to deal with difficulties in their own lives as well.

Children learn so much by observing the actions of others, and as their parents we are the primary influence on their lives. If we aren’t demonstrating faith, how will they learn to have their own faith? We have the perfect opportunity to show them how to walk through difficulties when they’re young, so that when they grow older they will continue on in their own relationship with God as their healer, comforter, and Savior.

“How blessed is the child who is given the gift of faith by means of his or her parents own faithfulness.” ~ Sally Clarkson

Dear Father,

Thank you so much for the opportunity to lead these little ones to You.  I pray that you would remind us to share our trails when appropriate and show our children how to live by faith, and how to trust you in all circumstances. Help us to pass on the gift of faith by walking through this life with the hope and confidence of knowing that You are in control over our lives. Amen

Make sure to hop over and join in on our Blog Frog discussions!

    • Good Morning Girls Downloads for Week 7
    • S.O.A.P Week 7
    • Book Discussion for Week 7

If you haven’t already, make sure to grab your copy of The Ministry of Motherhood! It’s definitely a book worth reading!

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