Hi friends! This is one of the busiest times of the year, and so having a pre-planned meal plan is essential! And having a plan gives us extra time to enjoy our family, holiday festivities, and Jesus! The reason for the season!

And since I haven’t done a meal plan for a while, I thought I would do a  December 2020 Holiday Meal Plan!

Also, Vlogmas 2020 starts tomorrow, which means I need a plan so I don’t have to think about food, and for us December means warm and yummy comfort food!


So let’s see what we have in store for December shall we? This month’s menu includes a ton of fun holiday treat ideas as well as advent fun and extra ways to spend quality time with your family this season, so make sure to check it out!

I’ve included a LOT of activities, so don’t feel pressure to do them all. Just choose your faves and have fun!

Download the November 2020 Monthly Meal Plan below:

If you’ve never downloaded them, my monthly meal plans include breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack ideas for every day in the month!


Speaking of which, I’ve been sharing our daily lunch ideas on my Instagram, and I’ll have them up on YouTube soon as well! So make sure to subscribe there if you want to have some more fun kid friendly lunch ideas!

Lunch Ideas

–>> For more fun recipes, visit my Recipes Page! If you haven’t already used this before, you can click on any of the underlined menu items to get to the recipe. I like to shop once a week, so I just make a list off of my menu plan and head to the store. I find that I spend less when I shop off of a list, then flying by the seat of my pants. I also end up with ingredients that will actually go together instead of a bunch of random items that don’t amount to anything.

Also, feel free to modify these menus to fit your needs, if you know you’ll have leftovers, than maybe skip one or two of the meals. It’ll save you time and money!

Busy Mom’s Guide to Home-cooked Meals

Do you wish there was something that included monthly meal plans, recipes, grocery shopping lists, as well as a customizable meal plan to fit your families needs? Look no further! Check out my Busy Mom’s Guide to Home-cooked Meals! Details: This book is available as an 8.5×11 PDF download that you can print and have spiral bound. As well as a Paperback full color hard copy on Amazon. This book has 99 pages. I suggest printing in color, then spiral binding it at a local office supply store.

Click below to get your copy today!



  1. Thanks for providing these meal plans. I just focus on dinners at our house, but cooking at home is SO important. I was just watching something that talked about how few people still cook at home and how they link it to the obesity crisis. If we just cooked what we ate, we would be so much better off!

  2. This is my second month using your meal plan and I absolutely love it. This is my first year homeschooling and I can never think of things to make for lunch for the kids. This has made things so much easier.

    London Glasco
  3. Thank you so much for your meal plans, I have been using them for a long time!! I also purchased your book a while back! Thank you for your time and hard work you put in to these!!

  4. Thank you for doing these! I still use the old ones or the format to put together my own with different recipes. I needed to be pointed in the right direction of how to do it😊🙃 These have been REALLY helpful and does take alot of stress out of the day.

  5. I’m so sad you’re not doing these anymore. They help me grease the wheels of what to eat for lunch especially and during the summer in particular. It helps me get out of the rut of “I despise coming up with lunch ideas.” 🙂


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