
The Letter of the Week is a full 26 week preschool course designed to give your student a head-start on preparing for kindergarten! It is a 26 week curriculum thatโ€™s full of educational activities that focus on the letter recognition, sounds, number recognition, counting, basic math skills, pre-writing practice, and all the necessary fine-motor skills that will be required for your preschooler to be ready for kindergarten! Included are weekly lesson plans that cover all the subjects a preschooler needs and more!

Get my ENTIRE preschool Letter of the Week set now!
ย Download version

ย ย CO-OP/Classroom Licenses also available in my store.

This license is to be used if you are sharing the curriculum in a class or co-op. This version allows for printing of materials for multiple students as well as teachers in a classroom or co-op setting. If you have multiple children that are your own, i.e. not daycare or co-op, you do not need to purchase the classroom version.


  • After completing payment you will receive an email confirming your purchase and be re-directed back to your account in my store where you will find a link to download your product.
  • If you have any questions, please contact me at erica {at} confessionsofahomeschooler dot com and I will be happy to assist you!

NOTE: The download links will automatically expire after 7 dayss, so please make sure to download in a timely fashion.

So whatโ€™s in the Letter of the Week curriculum?

Click here to see a typical week of activities

While I provide many of my printables for free on my blog, you currently have to download each item individually. For those who prefer multi-file downloading, I am now providing the complete curriculum PLUS BONUSES!

There are approximately 1500 printable pages of games, ideas and activities included in this curriculum!

As an added BONUS, you will receive Weekly LESSON PLANS!
(These are not available on my blog for free download.)
Click here to see a SAMPLE LESSON PLAN

Whatโ€™s included?


Click here to see a sample week for the Letter B. Each week includes similar set of themed activities for your preschooler.


  • A- Z Weekly Lesson Plans
  • Weekly Bible Verse
  • Weekly Art lessons
  • Read aloud books
  • Phonics practice
  • Capital/lowercase letter recognition
  • 1-10 Numbers recognition
  • Counting practice
  • Colors
  • Shapes
  • Fine Motor skills: Lacing cards, cutting, coloring & pre-writing
  • Logic skills: Puzzles, size sorting, matching games
  • Large Muscle Movement: Large Floor Numbers/Letters Hopscotch
  • Singing: Leapfrog A-Z letter sound songs, Bible Verse Songs
  • Arts & Crafts for each letter
  • Daily Calendar and Weather Activities
  • NEW!! Spanish Word Flashcards for each letter!

For additional ideas such as reading & non-printable activities please visit my Alphabet Fun links on this blog!

As you can see, in addition to getting all of the printable materials in the download, you will also receive my spreadsheet of weekly lesson plans for each letter, along with some accompanying ideas for the letters and links to create an alphabet binder as you go. Iโ€™ve even added a Spanish Word Flashcard set for each letter!

You can choose to follow my plans or make them your own. In the plans I provide, I have arranged the activities so your student is completing a variety of different activities each day.

My Lesson Plan worksheets are based on using The Workbox System, but you could easily just pull out the activities as you wish, or even use Tot Trays instead.

NOTE: All files are PDF format. You will need adobe reader (itโ€™s FREE) to open the files.

The files are compressed ZIP files, so you will also need an extractor if you donโ€™t already have one. Hereโ€™s a few free ones, if you donโ€™t like these, you can search for free unzip software:

THANK YOU! I just want to thank everyone in advance for encouraging and blessing my family through this blog!


  1. This looks really great!! I just found your site and have been looking at everything! Do you have a guesstimate to how much this costs to color print and laminate the necessity pages?

    1. That is up to you, the lesson plans include about 10 activities each day, 5 days/week. That siad some people choose to do 3 days per week, and don’t do all of the activities. At the prek age I suggest letting your student guide you a bit, give them a few activities each day, encourage them as you go, and stop if they become frustrated. Keep your time of learning fun right now, and encourage them to love the process.

  2. We are enjoying your preschool curriculum but I had a question. Would you suggest doing the ABC book in alphabetical order or would it be best to follow the vowel then consonant order?

    Laura Maynor
  3. Hello,
    I had bought the Letter of the week 4 years ago, it has been like 3 years I think. I had 4 downloads left, but are unable to now. Is there anyway I can get it or do I have to buy it all over. Thanks for the help. Love your videos and all the work you do.

    Angel Tippit
    1. Hi Angel, send me an email and we can see exactly when your order is. We are happy to reset downloads for 2 years from purchase date, if it’s been longer, we can offer you a 50% discount to purchase the updated curriculum.

  4. Is there a list of supplies we will need or you recommend we have? Iโ€™m looking to buy the curriculum but I wonโ€™t begin until January and I want to be prepared beforehand.

  5. I love the way this curriculum looks & plan to purchase asap for my 4 yo. I’m trying to get an estimate on cost through the printing website you recommended though, and to do so the website asks how many pages total to print, color vs. black & white, and laminating. Is there a rough estimate on total pages, color, and laminating you could give me so I can get an estimate from them? Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi, I recommend http://www.thehomeschoolprintingcompany.com they offer really great prices! I’m not sure I can split it up into b/w vs color pages exactly for you. Each letter has about 50 pages in it, and most are in color. The first 5-6 pages are b/w activities like cutting pages, coloring pages, etc. It also comes with several added bonus games/printables in the Lessons folder as well ๐Ÿ™‚


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