Amazon Prime Day Sale!

Hey guys! I just wanted to give you a quick heads up that today is AMAZON PRIME DAY! That means tons of things are on sale including some of my favorite homeschool and sewing supplies! Prime members will also  have access the biggest deals yet on Alexa-enabled products, including Echo,…

Cyber Monday 30% Off SALE!!

Hi everyone! I’m having a 30% OFF Sale in my Confessions of a Homeschooler store TODAY ONLY!!! CYBER MONDAY!! So make sure to stop by my store to get some awesome deals! NO COUPON Necessary, items included in the sale will already be discounted in the store! PLEASE NOTE:…

Thank You!!

Hi everyone! I wanted to thank you all for such a great sale and week full of giveaways! I had a lot of fun chatting with you all on my new store chat, and hopefully everyone was able to get some great deals. We’ve decided to leave the chat feature…