

I think most of you know I write for the Totally Tots Blog and this month’s theme was the Circus! So I went ahead and made some fun games for the Teeny Tot to work with a circus theme.



–>Download the Circus Preschool Pack here <–

Silhouette Match Up: she did great at the silhouette matching game, I cut out the colorful clowns and then had her match them to the “shadows”. She actually did really well.



Pattern Activity: The Teeny Tot doesn’t quite get the pattern activity, so I helped her by telling her the pattern. “Tent, clown, tent, clown, tent, clown”



Lacing Activity: She’s becoming a wonderful pre-sewer! The lacing activity is always one of her favorites, and although she still skips a few holes here and there she’s pretty well got the concept down.



Magnet Activity: The Teeny Tot loves the magnet activity! She does a great job at matching up one magnet per circle, and has started to count her magnets as she places each one. (Because I know you’ll ask, I found the magnets here: Amazon 100 Piece Power Magnets, and yes, they are a choking hazard, please only allow them to be used under your close supervision!)



Popcorn Letter Match: Frankly, I was surprised at how well our letter matching went. I told her which letter to grab, then she found that one on a popcorn piece, and then I instructed her to match it to the same letter on the game board. She knew the letter O and P, the rest I had to tell her what they were but she was able to match them to the appropriate one on the game board.



Pre-Writing Skills: The Teeny Tot loves anything having to do dry-erase markers, so this one is a favorite. She rotates between tracing the item, I can tell she’s trying to stay on the line, and actually trying to ‘color’ in the line.



Do-A-Dot Color Page: Her next absolute favorite things are the Do-A-Dot markers! She loves those things. I do try to be careful with them though because if she gets too excited and really stamps hard the ink will kind of ‘squirt’ out all over my nice white table. And we can’t have that now can we… ;o)



Clown Counting: The Teeny Tot is actually starting to do really well at counting. She can usually make it up to 10, probably because she’s always counting our calendar. For the Clown Counting activity, I only gave her numbers 1-5 to add on to the board. She counted the clowns and then I would point to the correct number for her. Until she took away my pointer that is…



Elephant Ball Game: The idea of this game is to match the correct colored ball to the elephant based on his ruffled scarf. The Teeny Tot did great and was able to complete this game sans mom.



Letter C Do-A-Dot: And just for fun, we brought out the Letter C Do-A-Dot Marker page for her. Like I said she loves these markers, so was totally fine using them again.



Scissor Skills: I really can’t believe how great she’s doing with her scissors now a days. She actually made it completely across the top curved line in this activity. the rest she tried, but couldn’t stay on those zigzags. So instead she cut the whole thing up into little tiny pieces.




Number Order Puzzle: And finally, we did our Number Order Puzzle. Since the whole number recognition isn’t there quite yet, I helped her with this game. I actually had the pieces in order for her, then she grabbed each one and placed it. She was still very proud of herself for completing the puzzle!



And that’s it for the Teeny Tot and her day at the circus! Maybe sometime I’ll actually take her to the circus. I’m just not that into trained animals in cages though…I always feel bad by the end of the show!



Click here to download the full Circus Preschool Pack


  1. Erica, a tip for you! When my daughter uses the Do a Dot markers (or Bingo dabbers in our case), I put her worksheet in the metal baking pan (the one we use for the magnetic pom pom activity), or a work tray. That way any excess ink that goes through or squirts, it’s all in the pan!


  2. I just love this theme pack. I have had a hard time wondering what to do for this theme and I am so happy that you are sharing this. Thank you for sharing, can’t wait to use them at my center. 😉


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