Shalom! Welcome to our Geography Curriculum week on Israel!

Here are some of the highlights of the week:

Of course we stamped our passports and greeted each other, Shalom!


We located Israel on the map. This is the smallest country we’ve done so far, so the kids really had to look to find it.


We played the Israeli version of tic tac toe. instead of marking your spot with an X or an O they use colored rocks. And instead of putting them in the blanks the rocks are placed on the intersections of the lines. 3 in a row wins!


We learned about the Dome of the Rock, and made a painting with foil on top.


We worked on our Israel Lapbook Component:


We learned about animals found in Israel, the Teeny Tot was particularly tickled with this activity.


We finished our animal lapbooks then classified them on our wall, here are our favorites:



We made these cool stone inlays that we’ll use as coasters. I do have to point out that this didn’t go quite as smoothly as I’d expected because I only had one mold, so each person had to wait about an hour for it to dry before the next one could do theirs! oh well, lesson learned. They still turned out pretty cool.


Of course we finished our week by visiting an Middle Eastern restaurant that served us yummy Falafel. (Okay, so the kids didn’t like it, but it’s all about experiencing the culture right?)


We also learned:

  • Where Israel is on the map, the Mediterranean Sea, the Dead Sea, and the capital
  • A song in Hebrew
  • How to say “Hello” in Hebrew
  • How to pray for the Jewish people
  • About children in Israel
  • Completed a lapbook activity
  • Completed and classified animals of Israel
  • Learned new Geography terms
  • Made a stone inlay craft
  • Learned about the Dome of the Rock
  • Learned about the 7th Wonder of the World: Petra in Jordan

Click here if you’d like to follow along with our Expedition Earth Geography Curriculum Journey!


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