Now that we’re getting into the heart of summer, I wanted to encourage my kiddos to do a little bit of summer journaling. So I made this fun Summer Journaling Notebook to help inspire them!


Directions for use:

  1. Print pages back to back, then cut down the center to create a 5×8 journaling booklet. You can print as many copies of each page as you like, it’s totally up to you.
  2. Stack the pages together and have them coil bound at an office supply store.
  3. Encourage your students to journal about their experiences this summer!


–> Get My Journal Notebook – Summer Theme Here!

I hope you enjoy this set of journaling pages. And hopefully it makes your summer a little more enjoyable too! Keep reading for some fun journaling ideas…

Here are some journaling prompts to help get you started:

  • What is your favorite summer thing to do and why?
  • What is your favorite summer food and why?
  • If you could cook your favorite meal, what would you cook? Describe how you would make and serve your meal.
  • Write about your home and why you like it there.
  • Go on a walk, then journal about your walk or what you encountered.
  • What is your favorite outdoor game to play?
  • Write about a new planet you’ve travelled to. What did you find there? Describe the environment.
  • Think of a business you can start. Tell what you would name it, what the business is, how you would run it, etc.
  • Tell about your favorite pet, or animal.
  • Do you go camping in the summer? If so where do you go, and what is your favorite thing about camping.
  • If you could invent the perfect summer candy, what would it be? Draw a picture, tell what it tastes like, and what it is called.
  • What was your favorite summer movie?
  • What is your favorite holiday, tell about how you celebrate?
  • Write a poem about summer.
  • Describe the process of making s’mores. Do you like them, why or why not?
  • What is your favorite season and why?
  • Who do you like to spend time with during summer and why? What do you do with this person?
  • Imagine you are the parent for the day. Write about something fun you would do with your kids.
  • If you could travel anywhere this summer, where would you go?
  • What is your favorite way to keep cool in the summer and why?
  • If you were 20 feet tall, what would your life be like and where would you live?
  • What is your favorite number and why?
  • If you could invent a new food, what would it be? Describe the taste, appearance, and give your new food a name.
  • Tell about your favorite summer song.
  • What is your favorite game to play at the swimming pool?
  • Think about someone who loves you, write about things that person does to show you they love you.
  • Try to remember a crazy dream you had this summer, write about your dream.
  • If you found a magic wand, what would you do with it?
  • What is your favorite summer sport and why?
  • What is your favorite summer smell and why?
  • What reminds you most of summer and why?
  • Imagine you win $100,000, what would you do with it and why?
  • Write a story about a fictional trip you wish you could take this summer.
  • If you could have an unusual pet, what would it be and why?
  • If you could have any superpower what would it be and how would you use it to make the world better?
  • Write about one thing you are really good at and how you came to be good at it.
  • If you were as tall as an ant, describe what your life would be like.
  • OR…journal about whatever you feel like! After all, it’s your journal!

Do you have some fun journaling prompts to share? Make sure to leave a comment below to help inspire others!

P.S. I realize they’re a little girly, but don’t worry, I have a more manly version coming soon!


  1. I would love to use these beautiful templates to write to the child my family sponsors through Compassion International. Could you make a portrait full-page version without the subject/topic and date at the top? I would be happy to pay you for the modifications. Please email me if you are able to do this and the cost.

    BTW – Thank you for sharing so many wonderful educational resources with your readers! It is greatly appreciated!

    Hollie S.
  2. Thank you so much for this beautiful journal! My girls were to excited to wait to get them bound at the office supply store so we hole punched the side and laced them. Great summer fun writing ideas too! You are amazing!!!!

  3. Printed at 50%, these make great filler pages for the Joann Summer Reading Journals. Thanks for sharing. I also just recently found your chore charts too. ALL wonderful 🙂 Your posts have truly blessed this family. Thank you!

    Heather Christian

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