Happy Thursday friends! I hope you have enjoyed my Beginner Cross Stitch tutorial series! I know many of you are working on my Vintage Stitchy Truck of the Month series, and so today I want to show you this fast and easy way to finish your cross stitch pieces too!

Learn How to Finish a Cross Stitch piece here:
Supplies Used in the video:
- Vintage Stitchy Truck of the Month Series
- Metal Washers
- Round Magnets
- Rotary Trimmer or Scissors
- Hot Glue Gun
- Peel N Stick Mounting Board Cut (1) 3-3/4” x 3-3/4” and (1) 4-1/4” x 4-1/4”

Will you be doing a vintage truck monthly bundle
Like you have done with your quilts. I have purchased the Oct and simply love it so I’m going to want more
Thank you
Hi, yes I will bundle the quilty and stitch trucks once they are all released so you can purchase them all at once if you want to.
When will March vintage truck of the month cross stitch be sold?
Hi the trucks release the 15th of each month 🙂 March is live now.