Homeschooling 101: Homeschooling an Only Child

I’m back today with another Homeschooling 101 post.  Today we’re talking about homeschooling an only child.   Sometimes when we think of homeschooling, we envision a larger family. But that’s just a stereotype; there are many families who  homeschool an only child. One thing I’ve learned over the years, is…

Homeschooling 101: Homeschooling on a Budget

I’m back today with another helpful Homeschooling 101 post.  We’ve talked all about getting started, choosing and gathering curriculum, homeschooling through various grade levels, and today we’re talking about homeschooling on a budget.   Homeschooling is flexible in so many ways, and that includes budgetary concerns. There are many options…

Homeschooling 101: Kindergarten & Elementary

Hi everyone! I’m back today with another Homeschooling 101 post.  Today we’re talking about homeschooling kindergarten and elementary level students.   Make it fun! Elementary years can be an exciting time. Students at this age are eager to learn new things, but might also start to become reluctant when things…

Homeschooling 101: Preschool

Hi everyone! I’m back today with another Homeschooling 101 post.  Today we’re talking about homeschooling preschool students.   Homeschooling Preschool Homeschooling a preschooler is probably one of the most exciting times. They’re excited to learn, and keeping school fun at this age is a must! While there aren’t any specific…

Homeschooling 101: Standardized Testing

It’s that time of the year again! Time for the dreaded  T E S T I N G. So for today’s Homeschooling 101 post, we’re going to dig into the details of standardized testing and homeschooling! Are you excited? You should be because I’m here to encourage homeschoolers everywhere! Testing…

Homeschooling 101: Discipline

I’m back today with another Homeschooling 101 post for you! These posts are for people who are thinking about homeschooling but don’t know where to start. They’re all about sharing information on getting started, choosing curriculum, organizing your home, and staying the course! Today we’re going to talk about homeschooling…

Homeschooling 101: Teaching Multiple Grades

Hi everyone! I’m back today with another Homeschooling 101 post for you! Today we’re going to talk about the inevitable teaching multiple grades all at the same time. It’s one of the biggest challenges in homeschooling, but fear not, it can be done!   Four children = Four Grade Levels…