This recipe is another wonderful meal from my mom! I have to say that I only post my favorite recipes here and this is definitely one of them. (Not to mention that it’s super easy which is always right up my alley!)



  • 1 Pork Shoulder (or butt) Roast (Mine was about 7lbs)
  • Olive Oil
  • Garlic Salt
  • Onion Salt
  • Crushed Pepper (I didn’t put too much b/c of kiddos)
  • Parsley


  • Preheat oven to 275 degrees
  • Place roast in roasting pan, and coat generously with Olive Oil
  • Sprinkle a good amount of remaining ingredients over roast and ‘rub’ in so that the roast has a good coating of spices.
  • Cook uncovered at 275 for about 6 hours (this may depend on the size of your roast, mine was about 7lbs) It should have a nice salty crust on the outside when it’s finished, and your house will smell wonderful!


Serve with mashed potatoes and your favorite vegetable! If all goes well, your family will look like this:

IMG_4194 Just due to the size of these roasts you’ll have leftovers, chop them up into bite sized pieces and coat them with BBQ sauce. You can freeze them for another time, or eat them the next night on hamburger buns for a yummy BBQ Pork Sandwich!

From mi casa, to yours, Enjoy!


  1. looks good, we do this with beef and pork roasts and make shredded beef tostados, the next day, or later that week. We also love to add garlic and cheese to our mashed potatoes, to mix it up a bit, too!!!

  2. I made this for dinner this past week and it was a HUGE hit. My kids both loved the pork (or Chicken as they called it HA!) and my husband and I were thrilled with how moist and tender it was! Thanks for sharing this recipe with us!

  3. Dear Erica,

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for the recipe! It sounds super scrumptious and I’m with you on simplicity so this was right up MY alley too! 🙂

    I JUST a few moments ago found your site so it might be too soon to tell you, but I love you! 🙂


    p.s. the fact that you are a self-proclaimed Christian makes your site 100xs better to me 🙂

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