Yep, you heard me right, I did an interview on Blog Talk Radio called “Are You a Supermom?”.

I have to say that I’ve never done a radio interview before so I was a little nervous, but Annie from Moffat Girls and Teaching Blog Addict was so wonderful to work with I was put at ease right away! I had so much fun that I decided I’d share it on my blog a well so you all can get to know me a little bit better!


What questions did they ask?

1) Are you a supermom?

2) What are some of your best managing tools/tips that help you do all that you do and successfully homeschool?

3) What would you say to the mom who is overwhelmed and discouraged?  She has piles of laundry to fold, dirty dishes in the sink, she is exhausted and she feels like a failure.

Warning: I rambled on a little bit…okay a lot…I’m a homeschooler, so I don’t get out much :o) That means when the chance comes, I will talk your ear off!  That said…if you’re still interested in listening, just click on the play button below to hear me in real life:


Listen to internet radio with TeachingBlogAddict on Blog Talk Radio


If the above widget isn’t working you can click here to listen to it on Blog Talk Radio: Are You a Supermom?


  1. I just wanted to share how blessed our family is by following your blog and all that you have shared throughout ! I just want to say that you did a wonderful job in your interview and I am so encouraged by everything you shared in the interview as well as your blog daily. I am so grateful that my homeschooling friend/mom of two, shared your blog with me. You have been such an inspiration to me and it is so encouraging to be in God’s word through it all! My three year old son loves your letter of the week and k4 curriculum, he responds with such excitement and just loves to learn. He would go all day if he could!

    Thank you for telling us other mom’s really how it is. I’m new to the home-school world and I have noticed how overwhelming it can be if your eyes are not fixed on Christ. Thank you for all your encouragement and all your hard work, you are truly such a blessing to so many! 🙂

    Heather Barnhurst
  2. Your faithfulness and obedience to Christ is so evident in your words and excellent suggestions. What an encouragement for all the homeschooling moms out there. Thank you also for reminding us to not only prioritize our time, but to seek the Lord’s guidance in the planning process. I know many of us desire to be like the Proverbs 31 wife and verse 26 came to mind after listening to your interview. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Proverbs 31:26 (NIV, 1984)
    She speaks with wisdom,
    and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

    Genevieve V.
  3. Well, this picture made me do a double take and say why does this face look so familiar. I figured it out quick enough, reminded me of an actress-Jessica Capshaw. Beautiful pic, I am sure the interview is great also (haven’t listened yet), just wanted to share that 🙂


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