I’ve recently added some calendar time activities to our board and I wanted to share them with you.

For all you Saxon fans out there, this might make those daily drills a little more fun. And for all you Math U See users, this might help get a little more practice on some of the basics.



Click here to download the Calendar Time Activities.

(Download Tip: If your browser doesn’t open the above link, RIGHT click on the link and select “SAVE LINK AS”. You will be prompted to save the file to your hard drive.)



I put up the above small pocket chart on our wall, and each day I swap out the activity for each of my children. In the morning they check their chart, then go to our calendar area and complete whatever task is assigned to them for the day.  You can find the small Tabletop Pocket Chart at Lakeshore Learning. In this download I have weather, clock, calendar, money, and counting our 1-100 chart.


Here is our new calendar area is set up now. You can see the weather printables at the top, then our calendar, time, days in school, and money charts. I also keep our “We Choose Virtues” postcard there so we can review it each morning. Or as the day progresses if need be…and some days the need be!



Here are some of our daily activities that we do during our calendar time:

Pledge of Allegiance

Memory Verse Review: Click here for my A-Z memory verses

ABC Song

Days of the Week song: (To the tune of Adam’s Family”)

  • Days of the week (clap clap)
  • Days of the week (clap clap)
  • Days of the week (clap clap)
  • Days of the week, Days of the week, Days of the week
  • There’s Sunday and there’s Monday,
  • there’s Tuesday & there’s Wednesday,
  • there’s Thursday & there’s Friday
  • and then there’s Saturday!
  • Days of the week (clap, clap)

Month’s of the Year song: (To the Macarena)

  • January (Right hand out)
  • February (Left hand out)
  • March (Right hand palm up)
  • And April (Left hand palm up)
  • May (Right hand on left shoulder)
  • June (Left hand on right shoulder)
  • July (Right hand on right ear)
  • And August (Left hand on left ear)
  • September (Right hand on left hip)
  • October (Left hand on right hip)
  • November (Right hand on right hip)
  • December (Left hand on left hip)
  • 12 months in a year! (Hop in circle as singing)


Count our calendar:
Put up today’s number on calendar along with appropriate colored chain link to continue our pattern for the month. (It’s hard to see but the pattern below is blue/green/blue/green.) Then they count from 1 up to today’s date (1-11 in the below picture), then say the date: “Today is Thursday, March 11, 2010”. You can download my Gingham Calendar Numbers & Month Labels here.



Today/Yesterday/Tomorrow: We discuss what today is, what yesterday was, and what tomorrow will be and update our chart:


What’s the Temperature? We recently added in the temperature to our weather graphing. I purchased an inexpensive outdoor thermometer and then each morning, whoever is in charge will go out and read the temperature, then come in and fill in our thermometer as well as the written temp. in the boxes on the bottom.



Chart the Weather: Each day we chart the weather and discuss appropriate clothing, whether it is cold or hot outside. Then fill in a square on our Weather Graph. At the end of the month we discuss which type of weather we had the most of, least of etc.
IMG_3931 graphjpg


Seasons Chart: We don’t do this daily, but we do discuss the name of the season when we chart our weather and appropriate clothing. We talk about what kind of activities we do during each season as well.

seasons copy



Days in School:  Since we’ve switched back to Math U See, I created this “Days in School” printable. I color coded the numbers to coordinate with the MUS Method. Units/Ones are green, tens are blue, and hundreds are red. (Number cards included are also color coded to keep everything consistent.) Each day I have them update how many days we’ve been in school. I also have them write out the current days date below.



Clock: We have a regular clock in our schoolroom, so when it is their turn to do the clock, they will record the time in digital format as well as regular by adding short and long hands to the clock below. They will also answer a couple questions such as “What time was it 1 hour ago?” and “What time will it be in 2 hours?”



Money: I keep a small bowl of money next to our calendar area. Whoever is in charge of money that day will count what is in the bowl, and write it on the chart. Then they will take today’s date, for example the 17th, and decide which coins they will need to get to 17 cents.



Address: We review our Address and Phone Numbers:


For song & movement time we use one of these fun ideas:

More Calendar Activities:


  1. I love your ideas for your getting started routine. I have a question for your “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” chart. What do you do on Monday and Friday? Because you don’t have Sunday & Saturday on the chart you can’t place the “yesterday” or “tomorrow” cards.

  2. HI! I have the same question as Jacqui, what do you do for “tomorrow” when it’s Friday and the weekend on the “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow?” I printed and laminated and then thought…hmmm….I love your stuff, thanks so much for sharing your creations with us! Thanks for your help!

  3. Thank you for sharing your ideas! I’m teaching in a school in Arctic Nunavik and have been making a lot of my calander pieces, which is timely. I needed a fresh new look, and I love the printables you shared. Thank you!

  4. Thank you so much for posting such great printables for FREE! I just started homeschooling my kindergartener. I was overwhelmed with the cost of everything I was wanting to buy to get started. I don’t know when you find the time to make all of this, but thank you again. I’ve been able to get what I needed with out breaking the bank 🙂

    Cinnamon Dove

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