Hi everyone! Well, with the holidays over, we’re back on track with our Road Trip USA. This week we’re visiting Rhode Island!




Here are some of the things we covered this week:

  • Located Providence, RI on our Wall Map
  • State Capital: Providence
  • State Bird: The Rhode Island Red Chicken
  • State Flower: The Common Blue Violet
  • State Sailing Vessel: “The Providence”
  • Famous People: Ann Smith Franklin
  • The Breakers Vanderbuilt Mansion
  • Food: Coffee Milk, we didn’t actually sample this since you can only get it there and I don’t actually let my kids have anything with caffeine in it…sans chocolate of course ;o)
  • Added our animals to our classification wall
  • Sang our 50 States Song
  • We finished up our time by reading “If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution”.

Here are the things I managed to take pictures of:

We started off by adding the Rhode Island flag to our Travel Journal (The travel journal and flags are included in the curriculum).



We did a sail boat craft. We’ve done this like 3 times now, and I’m telling you it never gets old! The kids love creating their boats, then testing them out. I’ve noticed they are getting better at getting them to float successfully!



Since Rhode Island is so small, I didn’t cut it apart, so we just re-added our pile of NE states to the map.


Of course we learned about all the state facts, then colored in our Rhode Island worksheet:



We read our Rhode Island atlas, and then used the map coordinates to find Providence.




The Teeny Tot was itching to help out, so we let her add Rhode Island to our state wall.


Then we added in our animals to our classification wall. I’m thinking I should have made the “bird” area a little bigger, but we’ll re-adjust as we go.



Here’s the Teeny Tot finding the animals on our wall.



And that wraps up our Rhode Island study! If you’d like to come along with us on our Road Trip USA journey, click the image below to learn more!



  1. We are learning our 50 states and capitols right now. I have been debating on if I should go more in depth with the states or memorize the overseas continents and so on next year. I am talking it over with my husband. I will definitely mention this to him though because it looks like so much fun!

  2. I have been looking over all the US Geography Curriculum thats out there and yours looks like it is the best suited for my younger learners (K and 2). I think I am ready to purchase but could you send me the additional reading list? I am part of a Charter School that purchases non-sectarian items for us… I would like to get as many from your list thru them as I can.



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