Happy Holidays! What’s for dinner you ask? Today I have my December Monthly Meal Plan download to help answer that nagging question.

I really hope these meal plans are helping you out, they’re critical for my sanity, especially during school and the holidays. The last thing I want to be worrying about is what’s for dinner. This way I can know all of my meals are planned for and that leaves me some free time to make Christmas cookies, and other goodies this season!

I even added in some yummy Christmas snack recipes to this one for you all! Kind of takes care of some of your holiday baking and snacks all in one ;o)

Yep…I’m always thinkin’ ahead people.




Download the December 2012 Monthly Meal Plan:


I need to work on branching out and adding in some new recipes for the new year, so if you all have any yummy, easy weekday dinner recipes I’d love to have you share them below!

Hope you enjoy!


  1. White Castle Sliders
    Heat the oven to 375 degrees
    Grab a 9X9 casserole pan
    Spray the pan with Pam or something similar
    Sprinkle a light layer of dehydrated onions along the bottom of the pan.
    Thaw a pound of hamburger and press it into the pan and over the dehydrated onions.
    Sprinkle Lawry’s Season Salt over the top of the hamburger .
    Throw it into the preheated oven and cook for 15 minutes.
    Once cooked through, cut the hamburger into 4 squares and place them on Dinner Rolls.
    Note: If you like cheeseburgers, after you take the pan out of the oven, cover the cooked hamburger with 4 pieces of American Cheese and allow it to melt before serving.

  2. Thank you for posting your menu!! It has helped me so much. I am 8 months pregnant and when I pull out my calender to make a menu all of a sudden I forget that I know how to cook, what to cook or even where to start. {totally blaming this on the pregnancy!!} Thank you also for your printables and other ideas that you post! I really appreciate it!

  3. Erica,

    I just want to say thank you so much for doing this blog. You are a constant source of encouragement to me, even though we’ve never met.

    A friend and I were chatting about fun Christmas ideas last night on Facebook and we were both saying how much we love your blog (I think you know her, Melissa Fleming?). Anyway, I just love getting your ideas in my email.

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

    ~Anna Jackson

  4. It’s so funny that I received this today. My 3 y/o has recently become selective about what she eats. I have been trying to find new recipes ideas and have come across some good ones. Your list is the icing on the cake because it encourages me to make a 30-day list. Thank you so much.


  5. I love your blog and get so many creative and up lifting ideas to do with my girls and have printed many of your homeschooling pages to use. FANTASTIC!!!!

    Here is a yummy/fast recipe I have come across and love…

    The easiest taco soup:

    1 lb ground beef
    1 large onion chopped
    2 cans kidney beans
    1 can corn
    1 15oz. can ro-tel
    1 15 oz. can tomato sauce
    1 packet of ranch seasoning
    1 packet of taco seasoning
    1 1/2 cup water

    Brown your beef and onions, then drain fat. In a med/large pot add the rest of the ingredients. Bring to boil and then bring down to simmer for 15 Minutes.

    Wham bam….your done. Enjoy with some favorite corn bread or top with cheese and chrushed tortilla chips.

    So easy you would not believe it and so yummy. Not to spicy that kids cant enjoy. Reallly is just right & fast!!

  6. Thank you so much Erica! I love having this menu to build off of. Having it all laid out helps me to get creative when I feel like it. It’s made me enjoy cooking so much more! Knowing all the meals are planned makes everything easier too!!
    Thanks again! <3

  7. I’m a mommy to 12 kiddos and love quick, easy, yummy, healthy meals 🙂

    Breakfast- Fruit/yogurt cups….I just cut up whatever fruit we have/is in season (apples, bananas, berries, strawberries, mangos, melon…) and then I layer fruit, yogurt (we use natural, but you could use whatever), granola and then repeat…fruit, yogurt, granola…and a drizzle of honey on the top. We make our own granola…super easy, inexpensive and yummy. 🙂

    We do a lot of oatmeal in the winter…I make the regular oatmeal and then add evaporated milk, sugar or brown sugar, and then whatever else…chopped apples, raisins, cinnamon, vanilla…warm and filling! Top with a bit of cool milk and eat with buttered toast.

    We are missionaries in Mexico and I have TONS of easy, authentic Mexican meals we make. One of our favorite breakfasts is simply bean burritos. I cook the beans in my crockpot overnight. In the morning I salt and refry them in a bit of manteca (pig fat 🙂 ). But a bit in a warm flour tortilla and dip in some salsa…simple salsa- boil some tomatoes and chiles (serranos, jalepenos…). Peel the tomato skin off, put the tomatoes and chilis in a blender with just a bit of the water…add salt…mix on low speed. Great to dip burritos in!! 🙂

  8. Hi! Nice to meet you:) I am a homeschooling, blogging mom too. My blog is focused on faith and food:) I just wanted to drop in and say hello. Aren’t printouts fantastic? I’m out of ink right now, though, so that isn’t doing me any good! Looks like you have tons of goodies here!

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