I’m going to do a short series of posts titled ‘Daily Homeschool Schedule’ for you all. I’ve had countless questions about our homeschool schedule. And you can see a basic overview of our daily schedule here.

But more specifically you’ve been asking questions about how long we do each subject, how many days per week, and what our day looks like hour by hour for each grade level.

So for the next few weeks I’m going to share our schedule in a more detail by each grade level.


Download a copy:


Today we’ll be taking a closer look into the life of the Teeny Tot. She’s currently 4 years old and doing preschool this year. Since she won’t be doing kindergarten until next year, we’ll be doing another round of Letter of the Week and add in a few of the K4 activities as she’s ready.


Here’s our Basic Preschool Schedule:

  • 8:30am   – Breakfast / Family Devotion Time
  • 9:00am   – Calendar Time & Daily Learning Notebook
  • 10:00am – Phonics
  • 10:10am – Fine Motor Skills
  • 10:30am – Color / Shapes Recognition
  • 10:45am – Math Activities
  • 11:00am – Logical Thinking
  • 11:15am – Large Motor Skills
  • 11:30am – Art
  • 11:45am – Reading
  • 12:00 noon – Lunch/Outside
  • 1:00pm  – Free

Her schedule is pretty simple, and it can vary from day to day. While I just shared our basic frame with you, keep in mind we do not rigidly follow this schedule, and our days vary quite a bit.

The other thing I’d like to mention is that if the Teeny Tot were my oldest I would probably not be doing school with her every single day. I would more likely do a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule with her.

But since we have older kiddos doing school, the Teeny Tot likes to be included daily. She even usually stays in the school room by choice after she’s done with her own activities.

Since she’s doing my Letter of the Week curriculum again, she is focusing on one letter each week. I sort out the activities so that she’s doing a bit of each skill every day.



In the Letter of the Week lesson plans (shown above), these activities are planned out for you, so you don’t have to do a schedule like the one at the top of this post unless you prefer to modify the curriculum.

Click here to see a SAMPLE LESSON PLAN

On most days the Teeny Tot does school from about 9am – noon. Like I said, it can vary. Often times she is done before that, it just depends on how long her activities take her that day.

And that’s about it!

I’d love to hear some comments what you do for preschool each day!

Leave a comment below!


The Letter of the Week is a full 26 week preschool course designed to give your student a head-start on preparing for kindergarten! It is a 26 week curriculum that’s full of educational activities that focus on the letter recognition, sounds, number recognition, counting, basic math skills, pre-writing practice, and all the necessary fine-motor skills that will be required for your preschooler to be ready for kindergarten! Included are weekly lesson plans that cover all the subjects a preschooler needs and more!


  1. My daughter is 3 now and I will be doing homeschool preschool before she heads to kindergarten. My question is: would this be beneficial to her now or more for her second year of preschool? I’ve boughten some workbooks to help with writing and tracing and she knows all her shapes and colors already. I want her to be ready for K when she starts in two years, but I feel in some ways she is already ahead of other kids I know that are the same age.

  2. Hi I have a 1 year old who will be 2 in September and I have a 3 year old and I’m looking for a schedule I can do for them at their individual levels. Should I teach them both the same since their so close in age? Any advice or tips would help me greatly.

  3. OMG I am so happy I found this blog. I can’t to purchase my LOTW. All my kids go to school except for my 4th one who will be 4 in January. he is having a bit of a speech delay and I just can’t wait to get him started and follow your curriculum. This just made my job a whole lot easier. Thank you so much. Just one question thought. What size binder is that you used to store the print outs.

  4. I just recieved the LOTW CD from you and am so excited to get started. I am going to have a new baby in March and will be staying home with my 2 year old son who will be 3 this summer.
    We live in an area that only has one preschool that meets 2 days a week. He will be going there to spend time with others but I was very concerned he would not be ready for K when that time came so searching the web I found this lesson! I will be starting the LOTW this summer and doing it on the days he is home with me througout the week. Thank you very much for putting all this information in one place! It made my stress over my son’s school go away.

  5. Thanks so much for making this available in an editable format. I make a lot of my own printables but I’m not so great in this particular arena so I’m thankful that you created this easy to use, easy to edit daily schedule. I think I might survive now.

  6. Hi there! I don’t know if this comment thread is still being monitored, but could anyone please let me know if a 40 minute routine is okay for a 5 year old? We focus on reading, writing and math. He will write letters, words and short phrases followed by math formulas on his own, and then show me the work. He also likes to draw about his lessons. We may also do clock or measurements. Then we read from his reading lesson book or from another book he likes. We read science and nature books but not every day. In the evening, we read together again and play board games. So far he knows his alphabet, phonics, shapes, colors, how to spell his name and favorite words, etc., numbers 1-100 and some addition. How can we tell if he is on track?

    By the way, we use several Kindergarten and Preschool workbooks for the kids. He just finished a K book. But I don’t know for sure if everything is solidly covered. Any advice?


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