I’m going to do a short series of posts titled ‘Daily Homeschool Schedule’ for you all. I’ve had countless questions about our homeschool schedule. And you can see a basic overview of our daily schedule here.

But more specifically you’ve been asking questions about how long we do each subject, how many days per week, and what our day looks like hour by hour for each grade level.

So for the next few weeks I’m going to share our schedule in a more detail by each grade level.


Download a copy:


Today we’ll be taking a closer look into the life of the Teeny Tot. She’s currently 4 years old and doing preschool this year. Since she won’t be doing kindergarten until next year, we’ll be doing another round of Letter of the Week and add in a few of the K4 activities as she’s ready.


Here’s our Basic Preschool Schedule:

  • 8:30am   – Breakfast / Family Devotion Time
  • 9:00am   – Calendar Time & Daily Learning Notebook
  • 10:00am – Phonics
  • 10:10am – Fine Motor Skills
  • 10:30am – Color / Shapes Recognition
  • 10:45am – Math Activities
  • 11:00am – Logical Thinking
  • 11:15am – Large Motor Skills
  • 11:30am – Art
  • 11:45am – Reading
  • 12:00 noon – Lunch/Outside
  • 1:00pm  – Free

Her schedule is pretty simple, and it can vary from day to day. While I just shared our basic frame with you, keep in mind we do not rigidly follow this schedule, and our days vary quite a bit.

The other thing I’d like to mention is that if the Teeny Tot were my oldest I would probably not be doing school with her every single day. I would more likely do a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule with her.

But since we have older kiddos doing school, the Teeny Tot likes to be included daily. She even usually stays in the school room by choice after she’s done with her own activities.

Since she’s doing my Letter of the Week curriculum again, she is focusing on one letter each week. I sort out the activities so that she’s doing a bit of each skill every day.



In the Letter of the Week lesson plans (shown above), these activities are planned out for you, so you don’t have to do a schedule like the one at the top of this post unless you prefer to modify the curriculum.

Click here to see a SAMPLE LESSON PLAN

On most days the Teeny Tot does school from about 9am – noon. Like I said, it can vary. Often times she is done before that, it just depends on how long her activities take her that day.

And that’s about it!

I’d love to hear some comments what you do for preschool each day!

Leave a comment below!


The Letter of the Week is a full 26 week preschool course designed to give your student a head-start on preparing for kindergarten! It is a 26 week curriculum that’s full of educational activities that focus on the letter recognition, sounds, number recognition, counting, basic math skills, pre-writing practice, and all the necessary fine-motor skills that will be required for your preschooler to be ready for kindergarten! Included are weekly lesson plans that cover all the subjects a preschooler needs and more!


  1. Great advice! Our family uses the Love My Schedule system. It’s a magnetic wet erase schedule that I keep on the fridge. That way I don’t have to print out a new schedule when I want to change it. I also have the chore charts so I can check off their chores as they get done. Their website is LoveMySchedule.com if anyone wants to check it out.

  2. Hi Erica,

    Thank you for your blog!! I’m a Home Daycare Provider and mom to a 3 year old son. I have a few questions:
    1. Is your LOTW in alphabetical order each week?
    2. Do you do “review week” during holidays or just include the holiday after LOTW lessons?
    3. I’m wanting to discontinue doing daycare and homeschool full time. I’m interested in starting a blog for added income. How would I do that? Do you have to have a certain number of subscribers for affiliates to be on your blog?
    4. When do you find time to blog, make your books, plus all the other hats you wear (mom, housekeeper, cook, wife, etc.) without getting burned out?

    Thanks again!

    1. No, I normally teach vowels first then move onto consonants. Once children have learned their vowels they can start doing beginning blend sounds with each consonant. So for example after learning a,e,i,o,u, they move to letter ‘b’. They can then use the blend cards in the curriculum to learn beginning reading skills. So they’ll say ‘ba, be, bi, bo, bu”. Once they have that down, they can add another consonant to the end to create “bat, bet, bit, bot, but” and so on.

      We usually take holidays off of school and review quickly when we return from break.

      You might want to check out the iBlog,and iBlog Pro books listed in my store for tips on starting a blog 🙂

      Here is my daily mom schedule, but I think it will look different for everyone depending on your family’s needs 🙂

  3. I want to teach my daughter at home after she get off from daycare. I am not a stay at home mom. I work weekdays from 8 to 5. I would like some advices on how to teach her get her ready for kindergarten.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing, I love this schedule! I’m hoping to implement it with my 2 children (ages 1 and 3).
    I was wondering if you could tell me more about the memory bracelet? Does it explain what this is in the lesson plans you have available for purchase?

    1. Yes, they’re included in the curriculum and the lesson plans tell you how to make and use them 🙂 They’re basically a printout of that week’s letter, number, & shape that your child can color then wear for fun and review!

  5. sorry if this sounds like a recorder…

    im currenlty homeschooling.. does this come with math and science? =)
    do you have a 10 month curriculum at hand as well? =)


    laura chiong
  6. I have a 2 yr old who is a bit harder to teach. He doesn’t speak hardly but rather signs. It makes learning a bit difficult, I want to get him started with just learning his letters and numbers first… He is eager to learn and enjoys what little activities I’ve tried on him. But he’s still having trouble understanding some things. Am I doing this too early? He will be 3 next year, but he is very far behind his Sunday school friends who can all speak well and know their letters and numbers. I’m wanting to homeschool him, but don’t exactly know where to start… Your schedule has given me a good idea for how to plan out my sons days… I’m just unsure if I should start him now…

    1. I prepare over the summer, get everything printed out I’ll need and organized. That way during the school year all I have to do is pull out the games/worksheets or whatever goes in her drawer for the day. It only takes me about 5 minutes to refill drawers for all 4 of my children.

  7. I am going to do the LOTW coming up in the fall. Therefore, I have purchased your curriculum and printing everything out and laminating it and getting ready. (Thank you BTW- the stuff is amazing!!) Anyways, how would you suggest organizing it into binders? Do you put each letter in its own binder? So all of letter A’s stuff would be in its own binder, etc.


    Emily Curry
  8. quick question… I’m getting things ready for Monday. (AH! I’m a first timer and I’m nervous and probably way behind on prep… any hoo…) what is the “my ABC cover” for? What goes in that binder??

    1. Dana,
      You’ll see instructions for the ABC binder in the front of the teacher lesson plans. Each Friday after learning all about that letter you’ll put a letter craft into your binder. So at the end you’ll have an A-Z binder 🙂

  9. Hi, I’m considering homeschooling my little girl, she is 2 years old. and I was wondering if you can give me any idea how to cut down “letter of the week curriculum ” to be suitable for her age.

    Mariem El Saman
    1. It really depends on what she’s ready for. At 2 I wouldn’t force her to do too much, but if she’s interested I would start out with the motor-skill type activities like cut-n-paste, lacing cards, sorting by colors and shapes, coloring pages, etc. I wouldn’t expect her to start learning her letters at that stage, but every child is different 🙂


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