Why I Homeschool

At the start of the year, I find it helpful to remind myself why I homeschool. I tend to doubt our decision every year, sometimes I doubt my own ability to teach, sometimes I worry about social aspects, sometimes I’m just lazy and the thought of getting it all together…

2nd grade Boxes

Hi, I finally have my boxes loaded for this week. After looking over the curriculum for the week, it looks like we’re going to have lots of fun projects, so I’m excited to start! We will be doing school tomorrow, even though its a holiday, I’d rather not have to…

Our Garden

Here are some photos of our garden, we planted 2 10’x4′ beds this year, and are adding a 3rd bed for next year since our plants were way too crowded! This one has corn, watermelon and cantaloupe.My ‘gems’, the yellow grape tomato, so yummy and taking over the garden might…

Group Art

Sorry for the absence the last couple days, I got a NASTY virus on my computer and am still in the process of rebuilding it! What a pain, especially since we were in the throws of school and I use my computer A LOT! Here’s what we did today after…