I’m always looking for fun educational reading for my kids, and one place that I am always pleased with is the Adventures In Odyssey series! I did a review awhile back, you can read it here, and they’ve released two new books in the Imagination Station adventure series!


Imagination Station Book #8 | Battle for Cannibal Island – $4.49  (Also available as an eBook!)


Summary: It’s 1852 and cousins Patrick and Beth sail to Fiji on the HMS Calliope under the command of Captain James E. Home. They arrive at the islands to find that the Christian Fijians are at war with the non-Christian Fijians. Missionary James Calvert is trying to make peace and suggests that the captain allow peace negotiations on board the British vessel. Patrick and Beth learn about sacrificial living when they observe Calvert’s determination to live on Fiji despite the dangers and impoverished conditions and that he is willing to risk his life to live as Jesus would.

Imagination Station Books #9 | Escape to the Hiding Place – $4.49 (Also available as an eBook!)


Summary: Patrick and Beth arrive in World War II Holland in the farm country. They must smuggle a baby (by bicycle) into the capable hands of Corrie ten Boom at her home in Haarlem. Along the way they hide from Nazi soldiers, meet a Russian surgeon forced into service by the Germans, and encourage two Jewish children who haven’t been outside in over three years. The children learn to appreciate the bravery and sacrifice of everyday people who helped the Jews



Here are some more books in this adventure series:

Want more info on the Imagination Station Series?

Would you like to win a set of these fun sets for your own family? I just happen to have a FREE copy of Battle for Cannibal Island  and Escape to the Hiding Place giveaway to one of you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This is a God send! My 8yr old boy looooooves this series of interesting books. They have taught him to appreciate reading Biblical and historical events through the eyes of children his age! And the ones you’re giving away, we haven’t read yet! Who ever wins these, will not be disappointed!


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