Hi everyone! I’ve had a ton of requests to do a review for our homeschool writing curriculum. We’ve been using the Institute for Excellence in Writing program for a few years now and really love it. We started out with the Group A Student Writing Intensive, and this past year we moved on to the Group A Continuation Student Writing Intensive program.


IEW does offer several different courses depending on the ages and needs of your students, so you’ll want to check out the IEW Website to decide which program is best for your student. They also have themed writing units if you don’t want to do the writing intensive curriculum like we are. I really like how this program works. The instructions for your students are really clear and they know exactly what they need to do to create a properly formed paragraph along with dress-ups, and sentence openers that will really improve their writing style.

I didn’t do the Teacher course called Teaching Writing: Structure and Style, but they have that as an option if you’re really nervous about trying to teach writing. I’ve found that watching the videos with my kids has been enough for me to be able to facilitate the writing lessons. They also provide checklists for your student, along with a grading sheet that makes the whole process really easy for both the teacher, and the student.

Most of you also know that we started using the IEW Fix It! Grammar curriculum this year as well. They go really well together and use similar terminology and methods which make it easy for me to teach both.

Check out my video review of the IEW Student Writing Intensive to learn more about why we love this curriculum!



For more information, visit IEW below!


Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. I want to make it clear that I will NEVER refer a product to you that I do not use and love myself! That said, I am sometimes fortunate enough to receive a small compensation from products that you purchase through the links in my post. So thank you!


  1. Thank you so much for putting together this review. It was immensely helpful. My daughters have just turned 7 & 8 this last Nov and Dec. We are just finishing up 2nd grade. I am thinking I will go with the Intensive A and Fix it Grammar when we are ready to begin 3rd gr. However, I am considering starting them on Prima Latina Latin and it includes quite a bit of grammar. So I am not sure if I am overdoing it on the grammar. Do you have any knowledge of the Latin program? Thank you

  2. I have the Group A DVDs but no teacher manual. I saw where I could download the student packet PDF but didn’t see Where I could get the small packet for “Teacher’s Notes” (teacher’s manual I’m assuming). Can I download that anywhere?

  3. Can someone help me find the grading sheets as well. I bought the IEW writing level A for this school year. I see the composition checklist for each assignment but it doesn’t show how many points each requirement is worth like in the review video. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    1. Hi Lindsay,
      If you purchased the downloadable version it should be available to you in your purchase. You may need to contact them to make sure you got it. The Group A has the TM and student pages combined if I remember correctly.

  4. So I just watched this review last night and I wanted to thank you, you do a much better job explaining the curriculum than the website! I have purchased it just from watching our review. I purchased level A and plan to start my 3rd grader. My question is, when we have finished Level A and coninuation A, what would I use after that? Do I go to level B? Kinda confused on that. Thanks for your info!

    Karen Woods
  5. I just accidentally came upon your page. English is not my first language, however I speak it fluently. I also write decent english. I have just started homeschooling and feel lost. My son is 8 and I am starting with him this year, however I want to home school my 2 daughters next year as well. One is in 6th grade and one in 1st grade right now. I am still trying to understand what would be the best package to purchase. For my Son, 3rd grader, do I purchase the student writing intensive A which goes for $109.00 on the website? Which package do I choose if I want to include that specific one with the teachers DVD as well? I know you said it might not be needed if I watch the DVD’s with my kids, but I guess I feel insecure about teaching this and feel like I should prepare myself more. Thank you! My son struggles with putting his thoughts on paper and It never was my strength either. Thank you for your help

  6. Thank you so much for this video!! I have a question. Does the Group A course (3-5th grade) include “fictional writing, narrative writing, opinion writing” lessons?

    Marissa Rocher
  7. on the IEW site, 109.00 Level A, does that include teacher and student book?? when did you purchase the extended dvds – after using the dvds in the 109.00 packet??

    cathie orozco
    1. If you purchase the Level A student writing intensive it comes with the DVDs, TM, and student handouts. Everything you need basically. The Level A Continuation would be a new course you’d purchase after you finish the Level A curriculum.

    1. It varies, but they usually have the lessons broken up into sections so you’ll pause the video at various places to do the writing. I have even broken it up myself if I feel like it’s getting too long as some are 30-45 min sessions.

      1. I was wondering the same thing, but still need some clarification, as I am planning the upcoming year….how many days/ week do you plan to do writing and how long in your daily schedule is set aside? thanks!!

        Amy Smith
        1. We do writing 4 days per week, but they have a sample schedule in the TM for 1 or 2 years that you can use. I find the program fairly flexible and so it’s pretty easy to adjust to whatever fits your schedule best.

  8. I have a 3rd grader who I would like to start IEW with. Could I start with the history based writing lessons since my 5th grader will be doing that or would you recommend starting with student intensive A?

    1. I would recommend starting with Level A Student Writing Intensive because they really teach the IEW “style” in the student writing intensives. There are instructions in the theme-based writing units, however I think it is better to have that background before doing them. Especially if it’s your first year with IEW.


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