Hi friends! Today I’m sharing our 8th grade homeschool curriculum picks with you. We are continuing on with some of our staples and changing up a few things as well!

So to see what my 8th grader will be doing this year watch our 2016-2017 8th Grade Homeschool Curriculum video here!


8th Grade Curriculum:

Options: We participate in a once a week options program through our local school district. They offer a variety of classes that help supplement our homeschooling. It also provides the kids with a fun day where they get to see their friends and participate in a classroom environment. Here is a list of my 8th grader’s classes this year:

  • Logical Thinking
  • P.E.
  • Computer Programming
  • 3D Printing/Programming
  • Art

And that’s it for our 8th grade curriculum line up this year! I’ll try to do a mid-year update to let you all know how it’s going. We’re trying some new curriculum this year, so that’s always exciting!

–>> Check out our Homeschool Room Tour here!

Popular products we add in for fun:

Click here to see a sample of our 8th Grade Daily Homeschool Schedule:



Homeschool Organization Masterclass

Need help getting your household and your homeschool organized and flowing smoothly? Check out my new Homeschool Organization Masterclass!

Through this series I’ll be there every step of the way to help guide you through the process of organizing your home and maximizing your time so you can get everything done while still having time to enjoy your family in the process.

Together we’ll make your homeschooling journey fun and inspiring!



Want to see more of my Tip Tuesday Videos? Make sure to click the image below to check out all of my homeschooling tips!



I hope this helps some of you out, I know getting started can be overwhelming! I wrote a book called Homeschooling 101 that will help answer all of your questions on how to get started homeschooling, choosing curriculum, creating lesson plans, etc. For more information on homeschooling check out my Homeschooling 101: A guide to getting started!



Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links. I may receive a small percentage if you purchase items through my link, so thank you for helping to support my blog! That said, I do NOT recommend anything that we do not use in our homeschool.


  1. Erica – Great video on your 8th grade curriculum! I love watching these videos (even though we are nowhere close to 8th grade!) A few things came to mind watching:
    1. You dropped vocab! I’m considering doing this as well – I’m glad to hear it’s been going well for all of you!
    2. I can’t wait for the Rainbow Science review!
    3. Will you be doing a review on the Atelier Art DVD? We currently use HomeArt Studio, but I’ve been thinking about making a change in the coming 1-2 years. I’d love to see how this new art DVD compares to HomeArt.
    Thank you for all you do!

    1. Yes, the Fix It! Grammar has vocab in it, and I just didn’t see the need to do more than what is included already. I can do a review of Atelier after we’ve had a chance to use it a bit 🙂 But I do like Home-Art Studio DVDs for sure!

    1. Hi, Yes the curriculum we are using will count for 1 High School Biology Credit. From what I’ve been told by our high school counselor we can list this as happening during his 8th grade year and he’ll still get credit for H.S. Biology.

      1. Hmmm, my friend just tried to enroll her daughter in our local high school, but they wouldn’t accept anything from her transcript, so she would have to do 3 years of high school over again! How do you know the curriculums you use will be accepted for credits? Or is it just up to the individual schools?

        Elizabeth Zacharias
  2. So I’ve been looking at the IEW website, and I’m confused. Their main product seems to be the dvd’s? Do you use the those as well, or just the books you showed in the video? Can you teach it without the dvd’s?

    Elizabeth Zacharias
    1. Hi Elizabeth,
      We watch the DVD together, and then you need the student workbooks at the very least so they can do the activities. I do use the teacher’s manual as well because it shows you how to break up the lessons.

    1. Hi Monica, we used Book Shark that year for literature. We participated in an options program which is organized by our local school district. The kids go once a week and take classes there, and we are able to check out curriculum. We used BookShark from there that year, you’re welcome to check out https://www.bookshark.com for more information on their program. But the only reason we used it was for literature, and because it was free for us to use that year 🙂


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