Hey guys! It’s time for another What’s in the Workbox Wednesday post! We really love this system. It’s so easy for everyone! When they were younger I used to swap out their drawers daily, but now we just leave one to two subjects in each box and they work through them in whatever order they want to. So it really only takes me about 1 minute on Fridays to pull out worksheets for the upcoming week and that’s it!


Not sure what I’m talking about? Click here for more info on what workboxes are and how we use them!

Let’s see what my 7th grader is up to this year shall we?

Her first drawer houses her One God One Plan Daily Devotion, her Daily Agenda, and her drawer organizer.

I always get a lot of questions on our daily lesson plans and where I get that printout from (the spiral with the yellow highlighted activities).  You can get our homeschool lesson plans by grade here!

We’re also making our way through Understanding the Times by Summit curriculum. It’s not in her drawer, we do this as a group so the books are in my teacher’s cabinet.


In her second drawer she keeps her math. She’s using Math U See Pre-Algebra this year. I just pull out one week’s worth of worksheets every Friday so she’s ready to go for the upcoming week. Then she just pulls one off the top each day. Easy peasy!


Her next drawer has her Spelling You See and her IEW Little Mermaid Book 4. I don’t pull out worksheets for these, we just use those sticky tabs and move them from one day to the next so she knows what worksheet she’s on.


Her next drawer has her writing in it. This year she’s working through IEW Following Narnia Vol. 1 The puppy binder is where she stores all of her writing assignments, etc. Again we just use a sticky tab to keep track of where she is in the booklet. She also keeps her Literature in this drawer. We’re following my 7th Grade Literature Reading List plan. She’s currently reading through Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen right now and loving it!


Her last drawer has her history, science, and reading it in. This year she is using Abeka Science 7 , BJU Press 7th Grade Online World Studies distance online program. She’s doing well in both!


And that’s it for our 7th grade curriculum line up this year! So far we love everything!

Here is our entire 7th Grade Curriculum lineup, some things don’t fit in the boxes and so I thought you’d like to see them all listed:

Options: We participate in a once a week options program through our local school district. They offer a variety of classes that help supplement our homeschooling. It also provides the kids with a fun day where they get to see their friends and participate in a classroom environment. Here is a list of her classes this year:

    • PE
    • Guitar
    • Choir
    • Instruments
    • Theatre

Check out our Homeschool Room Tour here!


Need Help Getting Started?

Check out my new HOW TO HOMESCHOOL eCourse! In this course you will learn everything you need to know to be able to homeschool your children and have your BEST HOMESCHOOLING year yet!


I hope this helps some of you out, I know getting started can be overwhelming! I wrote a book called Homeschooling 101 that will help answer all of your questions on how to get started homeschooling, choosing curriculum, creating lesson plans, etc. For more information on homeschooling check out my Homeschooling 101: A guide to getting started!


Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links. I may receive a small percentage if you purchase items through my link, so thank you for helping to support my blog! That said, I do NOT recommend anything that we do not use in our homeschool.

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