Hi everyone, I have done a few Kindergarten themed units, and wanted to add in a new one today! Introducing my Mail Carrier Unit Study! This one is geared for preschool to Kindergarten and just introduces one of our very helpful community workers to younger students.


–> Download the Mail Carrier Unit Study <–


Lesson 1:  Introduction: Introduce the mail carrier career to your students. Ask if they know what a mail carrier does, and how they go about doing it. Tell students that mail carriers are responsible for picking up mail to be sent, as well as delivering mail to residents in their specific area. Mail carriers work no matter what the weather, but not on national holidays.

  • Activity: Color the Mailman worksheet (Note, even though we typically refer to mail carriers as a “mailman” they can be either women or men.)



Lesson 2:  Envelope Activity: Help students learn how to properly address the below envelope to someone they like. Have them color in a pretty stamp for their letter in the box provided. Make sure to tell them where the mailing address and return address go on an envelope, and what they’re used for.

  • Activity: Have students write a letter, or color a picture and have them actually mail it to a family member.



Lesson 3: Mailbox Craft: Cut out the mailbox pieces and color. Glue flag to mailbox and then carefully tape the door piece to the mailbox along the bottom so it will flap open.

  • Activity: Have students write their last name, or street address on their mailbox. You can use the letter template on page 6.




Lesson 4:  Mail Carrier Poem: Read the poem to students, then help them memorize the mail carrier poem.

  • Activity: Color and cut out the mail carrier poem worksheet.



Lesson 5: Stamp Memory Game: Cut out the below stamps and place them face down on a flat surface. Play stamp memory: take turns flipping two cards over. If they match you get to keep them. If not, you have to turn them back over and let another player have a turn. Player with most matches at the end of the game wins! Can be played with one player as well!




Lesson 6:  Craft: Make the mail carrier hat on page 10. (Need: Blue construction paper, crayons)

  • Activity: Cut out fake letters, or use real envelopes. Have students pretend to be mail carriers and deliver mail to other students in the room.




Lesson 7: Field Trip: If possible, take a field trip to a local post office to see how they operate. You may also stop your mail carrier, and ask a few questions next time you see them!


–> Download the Mail Carrier Unit Study <–

Kindergarten Theme Units:

Have mail carrier activity ideas for kids? Leave a comment below to share your ideas!


  1. Thanks so much. I am planning on starting homeschooling for the 1st time this summer w/ a soon to be 1st grader and twin preschoolers, feeling lost so have been searching and gathering links and pages, but still feel really lost w/ all the stuff out there and not know what they need and when.

    1. Thanks for the email! I know starting out can be really overwhelming! I can certainly understand as I was in your same shoes about 4 years ago! I actually wrote a couple posts on the topic that might help you out a little:



      And here are some posts that might help you get started if you decide to go that route:


      Hope that helps a little! Feel free to email if you have any questions :o)

  2. Thanks so much for all you do for this blog! I am beginning homeschooling for the first time this fall, a kindergartener and two preschoolers. I can honestly say that your site has been a HUGE blessing to me! Just showing me how to organize and plan, and offering curriculum ideas, etc. I thank you from the bottom of my heart <3 Just out of curiosity, when you do a unit study, do you do a lesson every day? Or spread it out a bit to make it last longer, say maybe do the unit lessons on mon, wed, and fri? I am such a planner and need details lol 🙂 Thanks!!!

    1. Hi Mimi,
      Thanks so much, I’m glad it is blessing your family! When we do units we usually do them maybe 3 days/week or so, depending on time. There’s no hard/fast rule on it, just whatever works for your schedule! We just do these for fun on the side :o)

  3. thanks for sharing this. i am filing it in our community helpers binder to use next year. my preschoolers always enjoy “post office” dramatic play and these items will enhance that for them. 🙂

  4. This is great! My husband and I adopted a 6 year old little girl last February and we have just started home school with your alphabet units. Her daddy is a letter carrier so this will help her learn about what he does at work! I love it! Thank you! I would love ideas for community service for little ones. Thursday is our “serving other’s” day and we cleaned out the pantry and donated food to our church for their benevolence. I would like to keep doing things every Thursday and would love ideas. My email is julie@ablecc.net. Thank you again for this wonderful unit.

  5. Thanks so much for this! My first grader was writing a letter to her Grammy and I wanted a model for her to address the envelope. Found this unit and got SO much more!! I sure wish I’d had the internet twenty years ago when I first started homeschooling. I’m so thankful for people like you who so graciously make things like this available. With my oldest, if I wanted something like this, I had to make it by hand…no computer even! Homeschooling is so much easier with such awesome resources available.

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