I’ve gotten several emails lately asking me how I β€œdo it all”, you know, homeschool, cook, clean, do laundry, make printables, blog, and stay sane. After I got done laughing hysterically, I thought I should just be honest and lay it out for you. Keep it real.

The short answer: I don’t.


The Long Answer:

I know it may seem like things are all roses over here at Confessions, but you have to keep one thing in mind when reading my blog (And really this goes for most blogs):

You only see what I want you to see.

1. You don’t see the messes the Teeny Tot makes while we’re trying to do school. And trust me, she makes messes. It’s her specialty.

Confession: I often take my arm, or foot, or Teeny Tot, and sweep it across the floor clearing away all the debris so I can snap a lovely shot of one of my children working happily on a project.

2. You don’t see my laundry room. Ever.

With 6 people in our house, it seems like that humming sound coming from the Laundry room never stops. There’s usually folded clothes on top of the washer and dryer, piles of dirty clothes ready to be washed, and a full dryer that I was previously avoiding, until instituting my beloved chore chart.

3. You don’t see the failed crafts, recipes and all of my β€œbrilliant ideas gone awry”. I prefer to block it out and pretend it never happened.


So, How Do I Do What I Do Do?

First off, no one can β€œdo it all”, something has to give, for me it’s usually the cleaning, my sanity, or dinner…or all 3 depending on the day. ;o)

Remember, the only pressure we’re under is pressure we’ve put on ourselves. If your schedule’s too hectic, take a minute (I know, I know, you don’t have a minute, but trust me this will help) and write down all your commitments, and then see what you can get rid of, and what is necessary.

You can rest assured that my house is just as chaotic as yours, but we do have a schedule. And I try to follow it. You can get a more detailed version here, but in a nutshell, this is what I do each day…please don’t judge. ;o)


1. 8:00 am: Wake up, pray, take shower, keep praying, get dressed, pray some more: I seriously do not leave my room until all these things are done. If I did, I don’t think I’d ever get back to my room to shower and that would be bad. And I’d have no friends.

2. Throw in a load of laundry. Wonder how there’s so much laundry in just one day.

3. Make breakfast, read kids their devotion while we’re eating. Secretly try to check my email, but then remember I told all of you to stay away from email until after school hours…

4. Kids do some chores while I clean breakfast dishes.

5. 9:00 am-ish: Start school, chase Teeny Tot, re-start school, track down 1st grader, re-start school, track down preschooler, lock all kids in schoolroom, finish school.

6. Noon: Swap out laundry, lunch, kids get free time while I clean lunch dishes. Start dishwasher so whoever has that chore can empty it for me before dinner.

7. 1:00 pm: Put Teeny Tot down for nap, lie by her door so I can catch her crawling out of crib, put her back in, lie by door, repeat…

8. TBA based on #7 above: Start Expedition Earth fun stuff

9. 2:00ish: School’s Out! Check emails

10. 3:00 pm: Chore time, finish any chores left for day

11: 5:30 pm-ish: Dinner followed by clean up and Dad time for kids

12: 7:00 pm: Start bedtime routine

13: 8:00 pm: Breathe a sigh of relief that I made it through another day of homeschooling…aaaah….check calendar to see how many more days are left, pray for perseverance.

14. Rinse and repeat.

A Homeschooler’s Home

As homeschoolers, we are always here, so our house is always β€œlived in”. That makes for extra mess. Sometimes I’ll take a field trip just so I don’t have to clean! If we’re not here, no mess right?

I also have a secret weapon. My Mom. Thanks Mom.

She comes once a week to help out, she cooks for us, folds laundry, cleans, and chases the Teeny Tot. I do school, run errands, drive to dance, to Lego club, to our homeschool group, to science club, and go to the bathroom in peace.

I have another secret. Live Writer.

I blog in advance, sometimes I’ll sit down and write several posts at once and schedule them out. It is much easier to write, upload pics and format posts using Live Writer. I do not blog every day. Thank you Live Writer. Note: You can also schedule posts in blogger in the β€œPost Options” at the bottom of blogger post window.

Planning: I have to say the thing that’s helped me remain sane the most this year, was planning ahead. I took the summer to plan out our work for each child for the entire year. Some of those things have changed as we’ve gone along, but we’ve mostly stayed on schedule. I even purchased all the craft supplies we’d need for the whole year in advance! I know, crazy right? But still, it’s kept me from slacking off in the craft area!

Also, having our year scheduled out helps me to see the big picture. I know when we’re scheduled to finish for the year, so I know if it’s okay to take an entire week off when we’re sick.

Here’s a sample of our lesson plan for my 2nd grader, I usually put page numbers and such, but I just did this real quick like so you could see an example.

Click here to download this scheduling template


Do I follow my plan? Mostly I do, the kids seem to do better when we stick to a fairly routine schedule. I am flexible to change things that aren’t working, and keep things that are. But on most given days I follow what I set out to do. Like I always say, β€œBetter to have a plan and not need it, than to need a plan and not have it!” (Okay, actually that comes from my husband whose motto is β€œbetter to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.” This applies to anytime we leave the house. It’s why I have a mini-van with a large capacity rear storage area. {wink}

Planning Tip: Another tip is to plan in Catch Up Days into your schedule. Inevitably life gets crazy, kids get sick, and if you know we have every other Friday for catch up, you won’t be so stressed when we get behind. Also, if you’re homeschooling, you’re never really behind, I mean you’re the principal so you set the rules! Can I get an Amen Sister!

Here are some of my posts on organizing, scheduling and the like:

Other scheduling options:

Have a tip to share? I’d love to hear what you all do to help make your day go smoother, so make sure to comment below!

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  1. This was the first of your blogs that I checked out. Heard about all of your “happenings” from a friend today. Looking forward to more of your works because I enjoy how real and honest this was. Great tips and info on how to get by each day. I have a 2 year old and 6 month old and, I too, stay home with them. Thanks!

  2. hi
    i love your site. i am planning to home school my 2.5 & 4yr old as i lost my job and cant afford to pay for schools
    can u tell me what program you use to create your sheets.
    your life will be really helpful for us in such difficult times
    thanks a lot

  3. Hello,
    So, I was wondering if you use other supplement books with your preK cirriculm or not. I have looked through the blog, and maybe I am looking in the wrong spot, but I can’t seem to find if you have a list or anything like that. Where do I go?? LOL I am so lost πŸ™‚

  4. Dear Erica, I have recently come across this blog and I must say it has been a source of inspiration in so many ways….apart from the terrific stuff you share, there is a certain peace and tranquillity which comes across and sometimes I think that is the most beneficial thing around – what I need when things around me start getting out of hand. I live in Malta, a small Mediterranean island – homeschooling here doesn’t even exist, as far as I know! however, I am using loads of your stuff with my 4 year old muffin during our 3 month long (excessively hot) summer recess…and we are really enjoying it!
    Thank you so much and God bless you and your family.

  5. I’m not usually much of a poster, but I just had to tell you how I laughed out loud reading your schedule. Your honesty warmed my heart, and made me feel like maybe I’m not doing it as poorly as I think. Maybe it’s awesome in all it’s confusion and mayhem. Thanks again. πŸ™‚

  6. lol, being a mother of 9, myself, I experienced those ‘sitting outside the toddler’s door’ too, MANY times. Now my children are 19 down to 6 and I’m finally past that stage. (Of course I miss it…) I am finding that all of a sudden it begins to smooth out as the years go by. For instance, right now I’m teaching my LAST CHILD TO READ…..(BOOHOO) Well, I assume it’s my last, maybe not. So I have one graduate, 3 in highschool, 2 in middle, 3 in the lower grades. Time flies. Seriously. SERIOUSLY. I encourage everyone with Littles to enjoy these blogs to the fullest, and just have fun with your kids. You are the queen of your schedule, do what you think is best for your own family. πŸ™‚ Blessings!

  7. Thank you for this post! I was actually just thinking about you the other day and wondering what time you get up to still have time for devotions, getting dressed/ready and eating by 9.lol Now, I have an almost 4Yo, a 2Yo and a 7 month old, so mornings are more demanding of my personal self (to dress, nurse, etc.) But I find it hard to get up at 7 and be ready for “school” by 9…lol also, a question about workboxes, with teeny tot, don’t you have to explain most of the boxes to her before she can start? Since she can’t read directions?


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