Do you need help choosing the best homeschool curriculum for your family? Are you worried about picking one that will work for you? Or do you not know where to start? Don’t worry! I’m here to help!


I’m talking about the hardest part of getting started, how to choose your curriculum. Now after 9 years of homeschooling one thing I’ve figured out is that unfortunately there isn’t one perfect all encompassing curriculum out there. We’re all different in our needs and what works best for us and our families. But the good news is that there is a ton of various curriculum out there to fit your needs.

I’ll be addressing this topic and more in my new How To Homeschool Masterclass! Click below to check it out! I’ll also be available to answer all of your unique questions in our own personal forum! Hope to see you there 🙂

Click here for more information on how to choose the best homeschool curriculum for your family!
Get online help here!


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Want to see more of my Tip Tuesday Videos? Make sure to click the image below to check out all of my homeschooling tips!


I hope this helps some of you out, I know getting started can be overwhelming! I wrote a book called Homeschooling 101 that will help answer all of your questions on how to get started homeschooling, choosing curriculum, creating lesson plans, etc. For more information on homeschooling check out my Homeschooling 101: A guide to getting started!



  1. Hi Erica,

    I would like to know how do you decide what subjects to teach per level? I’m still a new homeschooling mom (we’re just starting out with your letter of the week) but I’m a bit concerned if I have covered everything that needs to be learned. Plus I like to plan ahead so I don’t have to shell out that much money in one go.

    Thanks 🙂

    Sherryll Co
    1. Hi Sherryll,
      I have a list of subjects to teach by grade level in my Homeschooling 101 book, and I also suggest that you check your state requirements as well as they can differ 🙂

  2. Hi there 🙂

    I have a question regarding the different purchase options for the K4 curriculum. If I purchase the personal download or the CD version for personal use, am I allowed to have a local print shop print a single copy of the file for us?

    I read a few older comments regarding ink usage and I love the visual appeal of the sample pages (wouldn’t want to miss out by printing in black & white), sometimes an office supply store or local print shop is so much less expensive than the ink it would take to print it out at home!

    If it is allowed, will you please let me know how many pages the personal download would be printed?

    With appreciation,


    1. Hi Sarah,
      If you purchase the download or CD, you’re welcome to take it wherever you like to print it off. The personal use version is for use with your children no matter how many you have 🙂 The classroom/co-op version is for use with multiple families or in a day-care or co-op type setting.

      The K4 has about 850 pages if you print absolutely everything.

  3. Hello Erica,
    Im a new homeschool mom this year. I’m struggling to figure all this out..Your channel has been a great help! I had a question about All about reading program. My son is a great reader. He is only 7 years old and took the placement test and did great with the 4th level placement test. I only have 1 child in homeschool and wondered if I should just have him read good books and do reports on them instead of buying that program in last level?

    Thank you,

    1. HI Tammy,
      You might consider letting him do some of my Classic Literature units of his choosing so he’s reading things he’s interested in, but you can still do comprehension work with him. Then I’d still make sure to focus on spelling for whatever level he’s ready for because kids can be great readers, but then when its time to write the words themselves, they have trouble spelling because they haven’t learned the phonics side of things.

  4. Hi Erica,
    I am new to elementary school homeschooling, starting next school year (we’ve been doing preschool for 3 years now), and I just wanted to say how helpful your blog site is! What great information! Thank you so much for sharing. I am curious what a typical day looks like for your younger elem. kiddos (we have one going into kinder and one going into 1st), as far as which subjects you hit on which days, how long you allow for each subject, and etc. Is that info in your Homeschooling 101 book? Also, I noticed you have a Road Trip USA curriculum and science units as well, but you still list A beka for history and science. Do you use both? Can Road Trip and the science units be used as stand-alone curricula, or just a supplement? Thanks so much! Blessings, Kristin

    1. Hi Kristin,
      Here’s a schedule for our typical kindergarten day:

      Yes, that information is in my Homeschooling 101 book as well as curriculum suggestions for each grade level. I also have our top picks for grade levels here:

      I do not use both Road Trip and Abeka together, it would be too much, and duplicating subjects. I typically recommend starting with Expedition Earth which covers science, world geography along with cultures and history. Then I suggest moving on to Road Trip USA which is geography, state history, as well as science. They are both stand alone curicculum no need to supplement or do something else in addition to them.


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