Hi friends! Do you need help getting your family into a good homeschool routine? Are your kids whining and complaining about school? Are they procrastinating and not working diligently?

Well don’t fear! I’ll share my top tips for getting your family into a good homeschooling routine, reduce complaining and encourage hard work and diligence in your home.

I’ll be answering this common issue and more in my new How To Homeschool Masterclass! Click below to check it out! I’ll also be available to answer all of your unique questions in our own personal forum! Hope to see you there 🙂

More helpful videos:

Looking for more information on homeschooling? Check out my Homeschooling 101 book!

Homeschooling 101 is a step by step practical guide that will help you to get started, and continue on in your homeschooling journey. It is designed to help guide you through all of the steps to getting started, choosing and gathering curriculum, creating effective lesson plans, scheduling your day, organizing your home, staying the course and more! It even includes helpful homeschooling forms!

Kindle Edition or Paperback available on Amazon.com.


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Want to see more of my Tip Tuesday Videos? Make sure to click the image below to check out all of my homeschooling tips!



  1. So, you stay in the room with them most of the day? How do you get your things done? I feel like I have so many things to do that I can’t stay in the room. I do notice that they are more focused when I’m around. I have a planner that they reference. So, they aren’t waiting on me for most things.

    Molly M
  2. My children are in 3rd and 5th grade and I’ve homeschooled from the beginning. I feel like I’m slacking if I don’t start each subject with them and go through a little lesson before giving them their work. Obviously this makes our day very long and there’s many times through the day when one is waiting for me to finish with the other before I can get them going on the next subject. I don’t have curriculum with videos. It’s just too pricey for our family. How do you do it?

    Roberta Tebussek
    1. I usually try to find a good balance between independent work curriculum and teacher led curriculum. That way I’m not being pulled in several directions at once, and they also learn how to be more independent as well. Win-win 🙂

  3. Thank you for the tips and especially for the reminder on consistency. My four are all younger (first grade, kindergarten, preschooler and toddler) and with holidays, then travel, then passing around sickness it has been a struggle getting back into a routine and everyone has been feeling that whiney “I don’t wanna” creep in on us.

  4. Great video, along with your procrastination video! Routines are critical in our home, especially since there are ten of us! It would all be chaos without them! I even homeschool through the summer, just so we can keep our routines going. Of course, we take plenty of fun breaks and travel lots so we don’t get burned out. 🙂

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