Is my Letter of the Week Preschool Curriculum a little too easy for your student? Are you ready for something a little more challenging? Then the K4/5 Kindergarten Curriculum is for you!

The K4/5 Curriculum is geared towards kids ages 4-5 who are ready to start kindergarten (or have completed my Letter of the Week preschool curriculum) and want a fun hands-on kindergarten curriculum.  The curriculum introduces beginning reading, math, and handwriting skills that will give your student a huge advantage as they proceed through their elementary years.

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    1. You could just do dots, but spell out her name and then get her to trace it. That’s what I did for my six year old and he now knows all abcs and how to write them plus his name. They learn so quickly

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    1. Yes, the K4/5 Kindergarten full curriculum includes more resources as well as daily lesson plans. These are just random kindergarten level printables you can print and use as desired.

  2. Hi
    This is the first time i came across your blog. Its truly amazing. I have a 4 year old who is already well through her kindergarten now. I wish i had come across your blog earlier, i could have really helped her learn things the fun way. Thanks

  3. I just have to say you are fabulous Erica!!!! My four year old has moved through your Letter of the week and doing great!! We are so excited to use your K4 program for kindergarten! I’ve been stressing about what curriculum to use. Was considering Abeka but the price tag was scary…. My older child I didn’t start homeschooling till 1st grade so it’s uncharted territory. One question I have… I’m gonna use Abeka language and letters&Sounds course for 1st grade since I have it.. Do you think your curriculum will prepare her for it? Also thanks for your videos. My older child has absolutely went from hating to loving writing now thanks to your recommendation for Fix it grammar and IEW!! May God Bless you for all you do and grant your hearts desire for sharing and giving to others. 😊

    Anna Stender
    1. Hi Anna, so glad you like my curriculum thanks! Yes, the K4/5 program will prepare her for first grade, and we moved from that into Abeka Language/Letters & Sounds as well because we had it also 🙂

  4. I purchased the digital files of kindergarten curriculum (the ABC one) a few years ago. We recently moved, and our computer will not turn on. We lost everything. Is there any way for you to send me the files again?

    Alexis Bracci

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