Lost Chronicles

…yep, that’s why I haven’t written in a year. All the posts were mysteriously lost…in my mind of course. I’ve been in some sort of new baby, 4 kids now, overwhelmed, not enough hours in the day to blog time warp for the last year. Not to mention it wasn’t…

Thank You!

Thank you for purchasing the Letter Of The Week curriculum on CD! Your order will be processed shortly and a confirmation email sent to you when the item has shipped. Please allow 7-10 business days for shipping. Thanks for blessing our family with your purchase!

snow again…

Seriously people, when’s spring going to actually arrive? Don’t get me wrong, I love the state I’m in, all 4 seasons, as soon as one ends I’m anxious for the next one to start, but this winter thing is dragging on like nobody’s business! As a matter of fact its…


Hello all,Sorry for the break in the blog, I’ve been recovering from post-traumatic shock after finding out I’m pregnant with our 4th child. Yes, I said 4th. I’ve been rendered utterly speechless lately, and mostly just sit staring off into space. Its been so long that I finally downloaded images…

Sicker then a dog

Where did that come from? Do dogs really get that sick? I’ve been pondering this for about 5 seconds now and I don’t think I’ve ever seen my dog that sick…now on the other hand I have a 3 year old who is sick…maybe it should be “sicker then a…

Bamboo IS fun!!

Its here! And it IS fun! Now, I know as a christian I am not supposed to be attached to material items, because hey, we all know they’re just gonna burn, but there’s nothin’ wrong with me havin’ fun with it until it does eh! Minus the hour it took…

Things I love…

I’m not sure why, but I LOVE fresh, new, full, unused peices of chalk. Weird I know, but for some reason I find joy here. Like most of the “supplies” of life, I love to get new stuff, crayons, chalk, scrapbook supplies. And I’m an organizer, gotta have everything in…