Hi everyone! Welcome to the 10 Days of Character Studies: DAY 5!




Today we’re going to be talking about humility (versus shifting blame and making excuses).  It is in our human nature to protect ourselves, and really shifting blame onto others is just another form of lying.  It is dishonest and self-deceptive and it’s important to examine ourselves against God’s standard in this area.


Proverbs 28:13 Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.


So what does humility mean?

Humility is the quality of being humble: modest, not proud, doing something out of the goodness of your heart, not for yourself.

What does shifting blame mean? To hold others responsible for your actions.

This week we’re going to take a look at Adam and Eve’s actions in the Garden, Saul’s choice to blame the people for his actions, Esau blaming Jacob for his foolish choice, and Aaron allowing the people to make a golden idol then blaming them in return.

We’ll see how in each of these examples consequences are not avoided by those trying to shift the blame on to others. We’ll learn how being humble and honest can affect our relationship with God and those around us.

Week Long Activity: “Snaps for Others”

It’s easy to become prideful when we think we are better than others. This week we are going to make a habit of praising and acknowledging others. If you have multiple children, you can do this easily by practicing building each other up for something they are good at.  Have each child take a turn praising each sibling for something they did well that day. If you only have one child, encourage them to build up his friends. Sit in a circle and go around each saying something kind about another. Snap fingers after each compliment and say “Snaps for (name)”.

Click here to download: A Character study: Humility

I hope you enjoy the study on humility, and make sure to stop by Monday for a study on Obedience!




Be sure to visit these brilliant women during our 10 days adventure between November 7th-18th! I love these ladies and we know you will too.


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