Group Art

Sorry for the absence the last couple days, I got a NASTY virus on my computer and am still in the process of rebuilding it! What a pain, especially since we were in the throws of school and I use my computer A LOT! Here’s what we did today after…

More workbox fun

Well, I’m happy to have the first week down, I never know how school will go, but last week went fairly smooth and I’m crediting it all to the fabulous workboxes! Really, I can’t stress enough how much these have ‘revolutionized’ our homeschool! Everyone loves the boxes, and they really…

Day 2…

Day 2 of school. Below is my tot doing a matching poster on planets. I got the idea from Sue Patrick’s Workbox System. But basically you buy 2 of the same poster and laminate one and cut it into peices to be velcro’d onto the original. The kids like them,…

Day 1 down…

Well, this is the final setup for the workboxes. After day 1 I’m sold. It took awhile to load all the boxes last night, but the pay off today was worth it. Trying to keep 3 different curriculums in order in my head would have just been too much, so…

getting ready

The dogs are whining, the kids are all nervous, and there’s a HUGE lightening storm that keeps causing power outtages, so I thought now might be a good time to do a blog post. Ok, I unplugged my laptop, at least I hopefully won’t get struck by lightening at the…